Cannabis and Canines – How CBD Oil Benefits Dogs

By Caroline Coile, Canine Chronicle on July 2, 2023

A year ago we had a vendor selling hemp products at our show. It was met with some horror by our older members. Last week we went to another show. They had two hemp vendors, and they seemed to be doing a bang-up business. In fact, their customers included one of our older members!

That seems to be the case throughout the country. People who never would have smoked a joint are now buying cannabis products for themselves—and for their dogs. Several years ago I wrote a book about cannabis for dogs (Cannabis and CBD Science for Dogs) and, in the forward, I expressed my initial skepticism for something that claimed to treat everything from acne to schizophrenia. By the time I wrote the book, I was familiar enough with the science that I understood the basis for these claims. Now, I’ve reviewed enough research studies and talked to enough people to be convinced that cannabis represents a revolution in medicine that anyone would be foolish to ignore.

– Read the entire article at Canine Chronicle.