At 40, I Had Early Menopause. Medical Cannabis Saved My Sex Life.

By Kelly Burch, Insider on October 11, 2023

When I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer at 40, chemotherapy left me exhausted and nauseous all the time. Doctors wrote me a prescription for anti-nausea drugs, but they didn’t help much. Even morphine didn’t make a dent in the pain I felt.

So, I asked my doctor about getting a prescription for medical cannabis. I had dabbled with marijuana in the past and thought it would be a perfect fit — or at least worth trying. But, back in 2017 in Minnesota, my doctor could only prescribe cannabis if my cancer was terminal.

I was so mad at the system. I had cancer. I was dealing with terrible side effects and complications, including a port that would malfunction and squirt blood high into the air. I thought, can’t I please just smoke some weed?

– Read the entire article at Insider.