“Alberta Gaming Commission Launches Harm Reduction Campaign to Encourage Responsible Cannabis Use”

World Cannabis – Robert Moore – Jan 16, 2023

“The Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commission (AGLC) has launched a new campaign to encourage moderation in alcohol and cannabis consumption. The campaign, called “Find Your Own Moderation,” aims to educate the public on the risks associated with excessive use of these substances and to promote responsible use.

As a cannabis activist, I see this campaign as a step in the right direction towards a more rational and harm-reduction based approach to substance use. The criminalization of cannabis has caused more harm than good and this campaign promotes responsible use of cannabis as well as alcohol, which is a more effective approach in reducing harm and promoting public health.

The campaign includes a website, which offers information and resources on the effects of alcohol and cannabis on the body and mind, as well as tips for responsible use. It also encourages individuals to think about their own personal limits and to make informed decisions about their use of these substances.

It is important for society to have open and honest conversations about substance use, and this campaign is a positive step in that direction. By promoting moderation and personal responsibility, it can help reduce the negative consequences associated with excessive alcohol and cannabis consumption. “